MRI Shoulder Sub Acromial Impingement

Narrowing of the subacromial space with impingement on  supraspinatus or infraspinatus can result from a number of causes. The most common are

  1. Hypertrophic changes at the Acromio Clavicular Joint
  2. Downward sloping acromion and
  3. Sub Acromial spurs. ( See the next post for this) mri shoulder sub acromial acromial arch normal radiology education asia

Image above: Normal Sub Acromial Space.  1. Acromion horizontal  ( yellow arrow)  2 .ACJ no hypertrophic bony changes or synovitis ( blue arrow) 3. Clavicle ( red arrow) no spurs and 4. SST ( pink arrow) not indented and fat present over its superior surface. 

mri shoulder sub acromial narrowing coraco acromial arch impingement radiology education asia

mri shoulder sub acromial narrowing coraco acromial arch impingement causes radiology education asia

mri shoulder sub acromial narrowing coraco acromial arch acj osteophyte radiology education asiaImage Above: Bony hypertrophic changes ( Blue Arrow)at the ACJ narrow the subacromial space.

mri shoulder sub acromial narrowing coraco acromial arch downward sloping acromion radiology education asia

mri shoulder sub acromial narrowing coraco acromial arch acj synovitis radiology education asia

Image Above: ACJ Synovitis ( blue arrows) narrowing the subacromial space.

mri shoulder sub acromial narrowing coraco acromial arch combined radiology education asiaThis is usually the most common pattern where there a combination of findings that result in subacromial space narrowing. 1. Acromion downward sloping ( yellow arrow)  2 .ACJ  hypertrophic bony changes ( red arrow) 3. Acromial spur ( blue arrow)

See next post for Subacromial spurs

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